Box, near Bath.
Just arrived with Michael and Malie back at my cousin's house. Felt like comig home. So good to be with Michael again and to be in this phase of my journey. So so different from my first few weeks. Everything feels like it has speeded up. Instead of 12 miles a day, we now move at 12 miles in 15-20 minutes!
Got to visit Stonehenge this afternoon. Mostly just felt the energy of the place and stones, and even walked around going clockwise, even though we are directed to go anti-clockwise....felt so good to turn around and move the other way!
Will continue to post on my reflections from the path. Have had a few minor techno glitches that resulted in my losing some of what I wrote. Now I must spend a little bit of quiet, focused time reconstructing my thoughts, so will be posting shortly.
Iwonder how my pilgrimage experiences are integrating into my being and my body as I engage with these next phases of my travels?
Solvitur Ambulando!