the tap root within my body is my vagina,
has been hidden in plain sight all along?
What would call me down...and in? What could lure me across the threshold, and perhaps even show me the map of this journey? When and how am I going to go to the core and connect to my roots, cultivate my strength, and live my life, fully aligned with my soul and my soul's purpose? What will it take for me to go to the core? It sounds like what will it take for me to "go to the mat?"
What will give me the catalyst, and even more, give me the map with directions and a guide to take this seemingly perilous journey? What, who will guide and provide for me every step of the way?
The Path. The Path will guide and provide for me every step of the way.
Also possible is that a site holds a more universal sacred energy. Usually, energy ley lines converge here. Something feels different. Special. Heightened. Resonating. Often there is a well, a grove, a church, a Celtic cross, an ancient stone, or a stone circle at this very site as evidence that reflects and/or celebrates the converging energies, and that most likely, people have been gathering here for thousands of years to align with the energies, celebrate them, receive from them, use them. There is so much that I could write about sacred sites - a whole book could be written. Many books have been written. I will create a Resource Page on my website so that you can easily access and find different books on sacred sites, pilgrimage, etc.
In all of my walking and pilgrimages, the site that continues to "work" on me the most deeply is Boscowen'un, the sacred stone circle that lies on the Mary Michael Line in western Cornwall.
This sacred site has invited me, moved me, held me and challenged me both times that I have journeyed to it, first in June 2013 when I walked by myself for 15 days, and then again last summer in June 2014, when I was co-leading the Spiral Paths Pilgrimage where we weave together the pilgrimage journey
with the sounding of the Earth. Here's what I wrote in June 2013:
The image of the sacred circle of stones with a vertical stone in the middle has been with me throughout this journey. I experienced it at Boscawen-un just outside of St. Buryan in western Cornwall on the second day of my pilgrimage. This circle is a very ancient, potent and powerful circle of stones that invited me in to lie down in the middle next to the vertical stone, with the intention to open and receive its energies. Since then, I have been mulling over the stone circles, and the image of the circle and the point in the middle. I believe that it is an ancient symbol that speaks powerfully and directly to our heart, soul and psyche and does not even engage the mental mind.
To deepen our working with the energies of Boscowen'un, Wende and I decided to work more closely with the energies of Boscowen'un within the container of a coning in early January. Since this day, we both have had access to deeper wisdom and guidance, and have also experienced significant shifts in our lives, both independently and together, that is creating a flow of energy moving us forward. Decisions have been undone and changed. Directions have significantly shifted. Anything that was not fully aligned with the profound energies of Boscowen'un rapidly dropped by the wayside. Choices and decisions that just a few months ago seem improbable are now in place. Just to give you an idea:
- Homeschooling my 13 year old daughter for the remainder of 8th grade. She was hit by a cosmic 2x4 in early November. Quite literally, she fell backwards and hit her head, ending up with a concussion and persistent, significant headache that made going to school impossible. It became clear after the holidays (and the beginning of January) that going back to school was really not an option, thus homeschooling, a choice that has redirected and shifted both of our lives.
- Waiting to offer the next Spiral Path Pilgrimage to Cornwall in 2016 instead of 2015.
- Not leading a proposed hiking walk tour in Cornwall in June 2015 for a small group from Boulder.
- Not offering a tour in July with my father for his historical saga, The Miner and the Viscount, choosing instead to focus on marketing the book to hundreds and thousands of people, expanding into the vision of the book becoming a TV or movie series, and creating a documentary.
- Receiving invitations to walk in France, Scotland and even the Great Wall in China, yet it's not time to choose or do anything to define the future.
- Enrolling in a crazily named class, Vagina Kung Fu, an 8-week class designed to strengthen the vagina. More about this later!!
A most powerful, personal sacred site, and an ancient sacred circle of stones that has been part of this wild landscape for thousands of years. I experience this sacred site as a place of worship and celebration of the Goddess. These sacred stones in a sacred configuration remind us of the dark feminine energies that pulsate in the Earth, and offers us a way to reconnect with Her and find our way home to ourselves through an intimate, loving, powerful, respectful, co-creative relationship with Her and all of her beauty and resources.
This circle of stones is guiding and providing me with the map, the container, the calling and the pull into the core of my being, deep into my depths, my essence, my body and my Soul.

This stone circle is unlike most other sacred stone circles in that it has a center stone. This powerful stone is angled and in many ways, appears to be very masculine and phallic, sticking out of the ground in the middle of the feminine circle of stones. I would imagine that most assume that it is masculine. At first, I too made an assumption that it had to be masculine....until recently. Aware of a deep unrest within me, I knew that this conclusion didn't feel right.

According to our observations this stone, erected in the Bronze Age or earlier, actually caused the energy flow to re-orientate or it marked the precise spot where this happened naturally. Either way, this could throw light on the argument that has raged between antiquarians about whether the stone had originally been upright, and subsided, perhaps through excavation, or whether it had been meticulously set at this angle thousands of years ago. It if was raised with this intention, then it must surely mean that there is a long shaft of stone buried beneath the ground in order to counteract natural subsidence.
p. 123
Or, what if the stone actually feminine? So deeply and sacredly, divinely feminine that its truth is hidden in plain sight?
What if it's actually not phallic at all?
What if it's actually vaginal? As in the female genitalia of the Sacred Feminine herself - the clitoris and the vagina, the center and the core of the beautiful feminine, Goddess body, and I will add, the human woman's body too? The clitoris being the exposed tip of the stone, and the vagina buried deep in the earth, synchronistically at a very similar angle to the vagina in a woman's body?
Even Broadhurst and Miller said, "It if was raised with this intention, then it must surely mean that there is a long shaft of stone buried beneath the ground in order to counteract natural subsidence."
Underground lies a massive stone that balances, roots and stabilizes the angled stone in the center of the circle, and toward the center of the Earth? What if the shaft is not phallic at all but a feminine vagina leading to the sacred womb of Mother Earth herself?
How does this awareness shift MY - and our - experience of this sacred stone circle, and in turn, of ourselves and our relationship with the Earth, and the Goddess?
I have been distracted for many of these past 18 months in believing that my strength and power lay in my embracing more of my inner masculine energy, and this has only created more of the same.
In waking up to the core as feminine, and even more explicitly, the core as our VAGINA, I find myself excited that the source of my power lies WITHIN me, and I want to surrender to this sacred feminine power that has been within me all along! I want to fling the doors open and dive into Her, and go wherever she wants me to go!
It's just so obvious, and simple.
The center stone of Boscowen'un demonstrates this to us this truth with its magnificent center stone intentionally set into the earth at a remarkable angle, aligned with the Mary Line. Mistaken as a masculine phallus, this core stone actually mimics the feminine vagina, with the bulk of its shaft anchored deep in the earth. Touching this stone, sitting at its base, leaning our bodies into it, communicating and listening to it, sounding with it - these visceral experiences invite us to breathe into our vaginas, connect with our feminine bodies, and in turn, to embrace the magnificent power of our vaginas - passion, desire, creativity, sexuality, conception, birthing, strength, and to to re-connect with the sacred Feminine and these lost aspects of ourselves.