This is my word for 2014. It chose me.
I was perusing Facebook during the morning on the Solstice, and I saw this post that offered a recorded meditation to receive your word for the coming year. So Steve and I sat and listened to this beautiful meditation together. Many qualities passed through my awareness - beauty, joy, dance, aliveness, and I could feel a yes behind all of them, but not a YES.
I could also feel a concern that I wasn't going to be able to receive my word, that I would somehow get in the way, that I would make a word up...my mind just wanting to be in control and not allow me to receive. A familiar experience. I noticed it and said thank you, but no thank you. I choose to allow myself to be fully present in this process and allow the word to choose me.
We were told that there is a word that reseonates with our Soul, and that they actually were working together. This word actually will create a kind of container for our coming year, and give us exactly what we need and are looking for. We can remind ourselves of our connection to our Soul in just saying this one word, and know that all is aligned and connected, and we are here transforming, growing and expanding, and on our soul's path.
One word.
The word that held the most resonance was abundance. I saw myself dancing the dance of Abundance -- the A-Bun-Dance. I felt joy, aliveness, happiness. I was moving. I was open to receive and experience the joys of life in its plentiful supply.
And it was the only word that stuck. It was a Yes with a capital Y. I went with it, yet I knew that it wasn't the YES I was looking for. It was a step toward, and yet it was all I had, so I allowed myself to receive it.
I took a bath in our deep, wonderful jetted tub here at the hotel where Steve and I are celebrating our December 20th anniversary. While I soaked in lavender salted hot water, I listened to a wonderful talk by Sera Beak, and as I listened, I received my word.
Without hesitation, Iknew as soon as I heard her speak the word EMBODY that this is my word for 2014.
It actually is the container and context for all of the other qualities that crossed my inner vision.
As I embody all of who I AM, all else is possible. and I can contain and hold it. BE it. LIVE it. MOVE with it. EMBRACE it.
The love, compassion, truth, ferocity, power of who I truly am...my DIVINE SOUL, deeply connected with the Divine Feminine.
The truth and invitation and reflection of EMBODIMENT reverberated to my core, and I knew in every cell of my being that this is my word for the coming year.
The quality that I will live from, the quality that I will live into, the quality that will shape, inform and tranform - transfigure - all that I do, who I am, and how I walk, serve and contribute.
The recognition of this quality asking, more like demanding, that I receive it was tranfiguring in and of itself.
Transfigure - to make more beautiful.
I realized that my walking the sacred path and following the Chakra Map, whether on the Celtic Camino, the Mary Michael Pilgrims Way, or the Chakra Walks path in Boulder, has profoundly contributed to my being able to receive and be EMBODIMENT.
Through my sacred walking, I have connected with and healed my Root Chakra, and I actually now have the grail container, the cup, to receive and experience my own body. Before, I would simply leak out my power, insights, experiences so that I could fit in, be loved, and be a part of my family and community. I brought in this split and leak with me, and it has been my life's journey so far to recognize and heal it, and reconnect with my true self and my core.
The moment in June when I walked back to Restormel and placed my stake in the ground in the center of the circular stones, I completed my Root Chakra initiation. It took me 1000 kilometers of walking on sacred paths, listening to and honoring my intuition, and being willing to walk alone in the land of my ancestors.
And here I am, 6 months later, receiving the invitation for the next leg of my journey - EMBODIMENT.
Movement in my body, with my body, guided by pleasure and sexuality, well being and self worth - connection with the Divine, my Soul being embodied in MY body, connected to my heart and belly.
The cup is filling, Containment with movement.
All of this will be explored in another blog.I am moving into the second chakra, the SACRAL chakra.
May the Path of my Divine Soul continue to bless me, and guide and provide for me every step of the way.
I am so deeply grateful.
Thank you, Embodiment.