And then the floods came.
First the floods hit metaphorically in the form of a backlash from someone I had developed a relationship with out of our connection to the path. Or at least I thought I had. I got to see where I had made big mistakes, and also had operated out of assumptions and beliefs that simply were just not true. And I got slammed. Hit hard by a tidal wave of anger and resentment coming at me that I was not expecting.
And then the floods hit literally. England is being inundated with rain, and the land is under water, especially in the county of Somerset, across the Somerset Levels, in exactly the place where I was to be leading the pilgrimages into Glastonbury along the Mary Michael Line. These flat level lands are flooded for miles and miles, affecting farms, villages, and of course, the roads and paths too. The Tor at Glastonbury rises out of the floods, but the land through which we were going to walk is under water. It's as though the "Isle of Avalon" is literally returning to its former, and perhaps, right relationship with the place. From what I understand, the "Levels" used to naturally flood annually. The people respected the flooding and actually knew that the floods contributed to the rich and fertile lands. Thinking he can control Nature, man now controls the floods with flood management and water systems. And yet somehow, this year, the land is flooded and Glastonbury is yet again the "Isle of Avalon."
Having experienced massive flooding last fall here in Boulder, I know to respect both Mother Nature and the process of flooding. Something is out of whack and balance, and flooding is Nature's way of righting the imbalance and perhaps even more, flipping it all right side up. It is not to be criticized, but respected. There are messages of wisdom and healing to be received from the waters of the floods, if we can only allow ourselves to stop and listen.
Interestingly enough, last fall I was in the same process of putting together some local "sacred walks" and extending invitations through emails and Facebook when the floods hit, the paths were no longer accessible and we were all in a state of shock and recovery. I literally felt as thought all that was not deeply rooted, real, connected to Source, and in alignment with our highest good was washed and cleared away. And what remained, under the silt and slowly emerged over the following weeks and months, were the green shoots of growth connected to Source, of what was truly being asked to be expressed and lived through us. We were all stripped of what "we thought" and demanded to come into alignment with our soul's highest purpose and expression.
Chakra Walks grew out of the Boulder flooding of 2013.
And here I am again, being asked to more fully align with Source, with the Path, and come into right relationship with my Self, my gifts, my purpose. I actually get to be impeccable about all of this. What a gift!
So for the past month I have been under the water of my own emotions, healing, aligning and getting very real and clear about what I am doing, from what place I am doing it, and righting the imbalances within me, shining light on my shadows, and the places that I have tried to hide, control and cajole to look good.
The Path is asking, no - demanding - that I get into my own relationship with Her, to release all intermediaries, and to create from a place of trust, faith, abundance and deep connection to the Earth and to Spirit. I keep asking what wants to come forth through me? What else is possible? Because I now realize that what I was offering before was a safe version of pilgrimage, and what I thought I was the right way to do it. What I am being asked to do is have the courage and confidence to offer a pilgrimage that invites people to connect deeply with the land, the Path and themselves, and to come forth and deliver my own gifts and talents, so that together we walk the Path of the Warrior...connected to the deep earth energies and bring forth a necessary and healing energy into a world that has become separated from its Source.
This is a new path...and I step onto with courage.
Solvitur Ambulando!