7 women showed up to walk. We walked in silence, except when we spoke our question out loud as we entered the labyrinth. Using information on tonight's full moon from Power Path, we each chose a "Full Moon" card with a timely question on it for this particular moon.

- What brings you joy?
- What feeds you spiritually?
- What needs expansion and more inspiration?
- What do you need to let go of?
- What do you still need to adjust and revise and modify
- What needs expansion and more inspiration?
I love the practice of asking an open-ended and powerful question like this. To ask with no presumption or expectation of the answer. To simple ask the question, and in this case, to walk the question. What needs expansion and more inspiration?
As I walked toward the center, I connected with my love of the labyrinth, my love of walking, my love of sacred walking. What brings me joy is to walk with the Sacred. To walk a sacred path. To invite others to walk a sacred path with me. To walk a sacred path in community.
To walk a sacred path is a deceptively simple act. We walk. Yet we walk with intention and purpose. This is where the magic happens and the simple act of walking becomes a profound practice and prayer. One doesn't even have to walk with seriousness, or even be quiet and "spiritual". One can, especially in a labyrinth, where the walk is shorter and more focused and contained.